Oh dear one- I am sorry that this happened to you! It is hard on the heart when potential friends turn out to be so unavailable for connecting - so obvious to the Truth in themselves and in you - when their listening skills and ability to understand and connect have been blunted by too much alcohol and/or other drugs. I've had similar experiences at parties. In some cases, I subsequently did take a step back from further such activities with those who ignored my wish to stay more aware. I'm all for the fun of karaoke myself but the choice to participate, and when to participate, is done in consideration of others, and what is enjoyable for them. As you described, it is not enjoyable if it becomes a demand. As you felt, I usually leave when the alienation grows. Alas, leaving was not an option for you. I'm saddened to think of your retreat to the kitchen sidelines. Going forward, may you find persons with whom you can share quieter, enjoyable, activities - beach walks, hiking, food adventures, books (like in-person or online book club?), volunteer animal rescue, etc. Volunteering and joining specific group activities (eg. film festival) have been my ways to find new friends. Growing up, I had 'training' in finding friends. My parents moved a lot: having attended 9 different schools before graduating high school resulted in learning how to look for activities that fit first, and then the friends were found there.

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Thank you my darling friend. It was a little disappointing but not altogether unexpected. I've been so used to a different way of interacting for so long now that I don't have much tolerance for aggressive behaviour anymore.

I have retreated into my work now as it is my ticket home. xx

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